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Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

Lowongan kerja Lampung

Inilah informasi bursa Loker Terbaru Januari 2015 yang bisa anda baca pada halaman ini. Yang perlu anda ketahui lowongan yang kami sediakan selalu fresh dan terbaru, karena saya mengambil dari beberapa sumber ternama dan terpercaya, baik dari pihak perusahaan sewasta maupun milik negara. Dibawah ini adalah lowongan kerja yang datangnya dari PT. Karya Persada Mandiriuntuk ditempatkan di wilayah Lampung dan sekitarnya. Nah seperti apakah info lengkap mengenai jobs vacancy tersebut? Silahkan saja anda bisa membacanya secara detail sebagai...

Lowongan Kerja Medan

Bagi anda yang berdomisilisi di sekitar Medan dan sekitarnya, kini sangat berpeluang untuk berkarir di PT. Tokarindo Citrainti. Perusahaan tersebut sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk pria maupun wanita dengan pendidikan D3. Nah sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat bagi anda yang masih bertitel menganggur, karena lowongan pekerjaan ini tidak datang kedua kalinya ketika sudah banyak yang mendaftar dan mereka memenuhi kriteria. Silahkan anda bisa menyimak Lowongan Kerja Medan dibawah ini, pilih salah satu pekerjaan sesuai dengan kriteria...

Lowongan Kerja Palembang

Kesempatan untuk anda tentunya yang mempunyai keyakinan sungguh-sungguh untuk bekerja, karena PT. Catur Mitra Sejati Sentosatelah membuka peluang berkarir. Jika anda sekarang bertempat tinggal di wilayah Palembang dan sekitarnya, berkesempatan besar untuk meraih lowongan pekerjaan tersebut. Apalagi jika anda berpendidikan S1, ini sangat membantu anda dalam menggapai karir di perusahaan tersebut. Sekarang yang perlu anda persiapkan adalah persyaratan dari perusahaan itu sendiri cocok atau tidaknya dengan kriteria anda, jika anda sudah merasa...

Lowongan Kerja Mining 2014 di Sandvik Mining; Site Administration and Account Payable Clerk

Sandvik Mining is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a leading global supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining industry. The offering covers rock drilling, rock cutting, rock crushing, loading and hauling and materials handling. In 2013 sales amounted to about 30,700 MSEK, with approximately 13,000 employees. We invite qualified candidates to apply as: Site Administration and Account Payable Clerk(Based in Balikpapan) Key Responsibilities: Assist...

Lowongan Kerja Mining 2014 di Harsco Group

img border="0 PT HARSCO/HARSCO GROUP is one of the well established Indonesian companies. That active in mining services, property and construction sectors, and agent/distributor of several International products for mining & industry. We are aiming to be the leading company in Indonesia by creating added value to customers that focus on excellence in operations,...

Lowongan Kerja Mining 2014 di G-Resources

G-Resources is an Asia-Pacific gold company, based and listed in Hong Kong, and is operating the Martabe Gold Mine in North Sumatera. The open cut mine, with an average strip ratio of less than 1.4:1, and a conventional processing circuit incorporating jaw crushing, SAG and ball milling and CIL, processes in excess of 4.5mtpa to produce greater than 250,000 ounces...

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Mining 2014 di PT Meares Soputan Mining

PT Meares Soputan Mining is production the Toka Tindung Gold Project in North Sulawesi. Applicants are invited for the following positions: SENIOR RESOURCE MODELLER (Superintendent Level) Report to Geology Manager / Sr. Exploration Manager Requirements :• Degree in Geology or Geological Engineering. • > 5 Years Resource...

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Mining 2014 di Petrosea

PT Petrosea Tbk has been designing, building and mining in all corners of Indonesia since 1972 and today is recognized as one of Indonesia s leading engineering, construction and mining contractors. Thanks to the imagination and commitment of more than 3000 staff, Petrosea has secured a growing portofolio of projects throughout Indonesia and the region. Petrosea...

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2014 di G-Resources

G-Resources is an Asia-Pacific gold company, based and listed in Hong Kong, and is operating the Martabe Gold Mine in North Sumatera. The open cut mine, with an average strip ratio of less than 1.4:1, and a conventional processing circuit incorporating jaw crushing, SAG and ball milling and CIL, processes in excess of 4.5mtpa to produce greater than 250,000 ounces...

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2014 di Wartsila

Our business is power. Our solutions are uniquely efficient. We deliver better – and greener – technologiesWe’re close to 19,000 professionals in 160locations, in 70 countries around the worldWe’re a global leader in the marine and energy markets. We deliver complete lifecycle power solutions, worldwide. We’re always growing. We’re always innovating. We’re always in...

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2014 di PT Paiton Energy

JOB VACANCY PT Paiton Energy as a leading Independent Power Producer in Indonesia is currently seeking two positions (based in Jakarta): 1. FUEL MANAGER2. FUEL ENGINEER MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS EducationGraduate from University majoring in Engineering/ Technical/ Industrial.Master Degree would be advantage. Experience5 to 15 years experience in coal either on the coal producer/ trader side or in the power generation sector. Specific Knowledge The incumbent should have mature personality and...

Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di TRIPATRA

TRIPATRA ( is reputable company in energy sector, has been operating in Indonesia for 41 years. Since its establishment in 1973 Tripatra has consistently offered best solutions in energy industry. Our key strength is delivering high quality services in Engineering, EPC, O&M, and project management services to assist world-wide clients in various...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited

Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, an Oil & Gas company based in Jakarta with operation field in Madura,is looking for highly experienced Indonesian professional to join the team. Sr Geophysicist (Jakarta Base) Responsibilities: Perform geophysical interpretation on any assigned area for prospect generation and potential area identification. Requirements: • Bachelor...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di KSO Pertamina EP – Indrillco Hulu Energy Ltd.

Kerja Sama Operasi PERTAMINA EPIndrillco Hulu Energy Ltd. KSO Pertamina EP – Indrillco Hulu Energy Ltd. yang berlokasi di Blok Uno Dos Rayu (UDR) terletak di sebelah barat lapangan Pendopo, Kabupaten Musi Rawas Sumatera Selatan. Saat ini mencari dan membutuhkan tenaga Profesional untuk mengisi posisi jabatan dibawah ini: 1....

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE)

PT. PERTAMINA HULU ENERGI WEST MADURA OFFSHORE (PHE WMO) PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is established as a subsidiary company of PT Pertamina (Persero), seeks extraordinarily talented individuals who share our values and have passion in becoming part of the great team to strengthen our organization and accomplish our remarkable...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di PT. McConnell Dowell Indonesia

AUSTRALIAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANYURGENTLY REQUIRED PT. McConnell Dowell Indonesia is well established Construction Company invite qualified and experienced professionals who can work as a team, with proven competencies in the whole range of development and improvement initiatives, to fill the following position: 1. Estimating Lead2. QA Lead 3. Engineering Lead 4....

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di PT. Nusantara Regas

Saat ini klien kami, PT. Nusantara Regas yang merupakan Perusahaan Joint Venture antara PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) dan PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero), Tbk. membuka kesempatan bagi putra putri terbaik di seluruh Indonesia untuk mengikuti proses rekrutmen calon Pekerja PT. Nusantara Regas. Kualifikasi Umum:a. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif minimal 2,75 (untuk PTN) atau 3,00 (untuk PTS) b. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan dengan melampirkan nilai TOEFL minimal 400 ...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di Petronas

img border="0 Through drive and support from its staff, PETRONAS, in its short history, has demonstrated remarkable growth and performance to emerge as a Fortune Global 500 company. Incorporated in Malaysia in 1974, PETRONAS, in its 30 years of operations, has established a global footprint that includes exploration and retail...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di Air Drilling Associates; 4 positions

Air Drilling Associates is a US company that provides air-, mist-, foam-, aerated fluid and other underbalanced drilling services for the oil and geothermal industries. For our operations in Indonesia, we are urgently seeking qualified candidates for the following position: SENIOR MECHANIC – Operations department Requirements:• Minimum Senior High School qualification or equivalent • Must have served training courses as a diesel or compressor mechanic with certification• Minimum 5 years work experience...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di PT Bina Rekacipta Utama; Process Engineer

img border="0 Process Engineer Responsibilities and Accountabilities1. Process simulation of physical fluid properties2. Steady state computer simulation of the process 3. Steady state computer simulation of multiphase flow through subsea pipeline. 4. Design of appropriate systems to meet the requirements. 5. Safety Analysis...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2014 di RekindWorleyParsons

RekindWorleyParsons is a Joint Operation between PT. Rekayasa Industri and PT. WorleyParsons Indonesia and is currently providing Engineering and Construction Management services for PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia in Duri, Riau under its Engineering and Construction Management Contract. We are seeking qualified and highly motivated engineers from multiple disciplines...

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