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Senin, 19 November 2012

Lowongan migas di PREMIER OIL : Reservoir Engineer

Premier Oil plc is a leading independent FTSE 250 international exploration and production company, operating in the North Sea (offices in Aberdeen and Stavanger), Middle East/ Pakistan (offices in Abu Dhabi and Islamabad) and Asia (offices in Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City and Jakarta). The company has an enviable track record...

Lowongan sales coordinator di PT Sinar Antjol

PT Sinar Antjol PT. Sinar Antjol is known as the providers of best brands and variety of cleaner products at the best competitive price. These products include bar soap, floor cleaner, dish washer, cream and powder detergent, laundry bar, hand body lotion, body mist, hair mist, feminine hygiene, shampoo as well as other types of cleaner and cosmetic products. ...

Lowongan kerja di First Media

PT First Media PT. First Media Tbk is the largest provider of high speed broadband internet, cable pay TV, and high-speed data communication services. We invite dynamic and experienced professional people to join us for the...

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Lowongan migas di Pt Punj Lloyd Indonesia

Dear Moderator, Please Advertise this Add, Best Regards, HR Team We, Pt Punj Lloyd Indonesia, are one of the largest EPC Companies in Indonesia. We focus in the Oil And Gas sector, we currently have following vacant positions for various projects and : 1. HSE Manager 2. Logistic Officer General Requirements: 1. Familiar with Computer Application 2. Will be placed in Company Project & Coorporate Office 3. Familiar with English 4. At least 5 years working experience in the similar field and level in hierarchy 5. Familiar with EPC Oil...

Lowongan kerja BUMN di Waskita Karya

Didirikan pada 1 Januari 1961 Waskita Karya adalah salah satu BUMN terkemuka di Indonesia yang memainkan peran utama dalam pembangunan negara. Membutuhkan tenaga berpengalaman untuk mengerjakan proyek – proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri. Pemasaran / Operasi Requirements: 1. Pria/Wanita Maksimal 35 Tahun 2. Pendidikan S1 (Sipil, Arsitektur) 3. Pengalaman Minimal 3 Tahun di Proyek Realty 4. Bahasa Aktif 5. Mampu Mengoperasikan Ms. Office, Autocad dan 3D 6. Mampu membuat Business Plan dan menguasai Market Realty 7. Mampu menerapkan...

Lowongan kerja migas di PREMIER OIL : Drilling logistic coordinator

Premier Oil plc is a leading independent FTSE 250 international exploration and production company, operating in the North Sea (offices in Aberdeen and Stavanger), Middle East/ Pakistan (offices in Abu Dhabi and Islamabad) and Asia (offices in Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City and Jakarta). The company has an enviable track record...

Lowongan kerja migas di PT Sugico

PT Sugico Sugico is a fast growing mining and energy company with its corporate headquarters located in the heart of Jakarta. Formed in 1986, Sugico has rapidly expanded its coal, gas, and mineral resources across Indonesia.Sugico is transforming the energy sector in Indonesia by leading the exploration and development of coalbed methane (CBM) and coal resources...

Lowongan kerja di JNE / PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir

PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir From bird to bird nest sculpture, from the interstate to the inter-continental, JNE Cargo Division handles your shipments quickly and attentively. Working closely with reliable partners around the world as well as the utilization of information and communication technologies provide the ability to monitor the status JNE every cargo shipment...

Lowongan kerja bank Panin

Panin Bank adalah salah satu Bank swasta terbesar di Indonesia dengan lebih dari 450 kantor cabang yang beroperasi di 30 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia. Panin Bank ingin menjadi penyedia layanan jasa keuangan terbaik di Indonesia dan Kami mengundang Anda untuk menjadi bagian dari Panin Bank dengan posisi sebagai berikut: ...

Lowongan kerja migas di PT Pertamina Patra Niaga

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga   Originally registered as PT ELNUSA HARAPAN in 1997, PT PATRA NIAGA was launched in 2004 to focus on the downstream oil and gas (O&G) business. In 2012, PT PERTAMINA (Persero) began to align all logos of its subsidiaries through Pertamina Directorate of Marketing and Commerce. The Directorate started to rebrand each of the...

Lowongan kerja bank BCA Syariah

PT Bank BCA Syariah ..... KESEMPATAN BERKARIR .....     PT Bank BCA Syariah diawali dari sebuah bank umum bernama PT Utama International Bank (PT Bank UIB) yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. Pada tahun 2009, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, mengakuisisi PT Bank UIB yang kemudian melakukan proses konversi kegiatan usahanya menjadi bank syariah, dengan...

Lowongan kerja Teller di Hana Bank

    ..... URGENTLY REQUIRED ..... PT Bank Hana, We are the global premier banking partner with Foreign Majority ownership and has a wold-wide network is seeking for a highly qualified person to fill the this position. Now we are granted as the Best Bank 2011 and opening some branches...

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