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Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di RekindWorleyParsons (RW)

RekindWorleyParsons (RW) is a Joint Operation between PT. Rekayasa Industri and PT. WorleyParsons Indonesia and is currently providing Engineering and Construction Management services for PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in Duri, Riau under its Engineering and Construction Management Contract. RW is seeking qualified and highly motivated engineers and project...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di Seascape Surveys; Senior Accountant

SEASCAPE SURVEYS is a dynamic, results focused Subsea Service provider, supplying air and saturation diving, ROV inspection and construction, in conjunction with hydrographic survey and positioning to the Offshore Oil and Gas industry, Now are seeking suitable qualified and experienced personnel to join out team and support our growing range of projects to fill the...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di PT Sepuluh Sumber Anugerah; 8 positions

PT. SEPULUH SUMBER ANUGERAH (Old PT. Inwha Indonesia), an Engineering, Procurement and Construction company which has attained ISO 9001:2008 - Quality Management System Certification, has been established since 1992 supported by professional experts and qualified resources. Our existence over the past 22 years has enriched the company with the experience, knowledge,...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di DSME Engineering Center Indonesia; 2 positions

You are... A smart, talented, ambitious individual driven to push boundariesin all areas of the offshore oil & gas industries. Come and join DSME Indonesia DSME Engineering Center Indonesia (DECI) is the Biggest Korean Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation, & Commissioning (EPCIC) Company in Indonesia....

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di Mubadala Petroleum; Specialist, ERP Systems

Opportunities in Oil and Gas Mubadala Petroleum is the operator of the Ruby gas field, Sebuku Block. Our commitment is to support Indonesia economic growth and to operate to the highest safety and environmental standards. As a part of this exciting journey, we are seeking for the following position: Specialist, ERP Systems Your success to date must demonstrate...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di Shell Indonesia; Country Corporate Communicate Manager

READY FOR A NEW ADVENTURE? Shell began operations in Indonesia more than 100 years ago and can look back on a rich history with Indonesia. At Shell Indonesia, we believe that diversity is key: it helps our drive to innovate and make sure that our employees’ ideas will travel. We offer an exciting platform from which you can deliver, excel and be developed. Shell...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di PT IKM Subsea Indonesia

PT IKM Subsea Indonesia is a collaborating company with the IKM Group, newly open in Jakarta. IKM Subsea supplies manned Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) systems to the oil and gas industries. Our main markets are the North Sea and Asia. With 22 ROV system we are currently the worlds’ 10th largest ROV operator. We are seeking...

Lowongan Kerja Migas terbaru 2015 di PT. McConnell Dowell Indonesia

PT. McConnell Dowell Indonesia is well established Construction Company with its 40 years successful operation in Indonesia invite qualified and experienced professionals who can work to achieve Company goals, with proven competencies in the whole range of development and improvement initiatives, to fill the following position: 1. Estimating Lead (EL) 2. Lead Engineer...

lowongan kerja Migas terbaru 2015 di DSME Engineering Center Indonesia; 4 positions

You are... A smart, talented, ambitious individual driven to push boundariesin all areas of the offshore oil & gas industries. Come and join DSME Indonesia DSME Engineering Center Indonesia (DECI) is the Biggest Korean Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation, & Commissioning (EPCIC) Company in Indonesia. Our vision is becoming engineering leaders...

Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited

An international Oil & Gas company based in Jakarta, with operational areas, in Madura is requiring highly experienced Indonesian professional to join the team. HEAD OF COMPLETION(Expatriate Position) Responsibilities: Leads completion engineers group to prepare AFE, completion including DST and work over procedures and final report; discusses and optimizes...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di PT. SUPRACO INDONESIA

PT. SUPRACO INDONESIA Jakarta based company with more than 33 years of experience in providing services to oil and gas industry and Geothermal in Indonesia. We are seeking for best candidates to fill the vacant position for our projects Material Coordinator(Jawa Barat) Requirement1. SMA / SMK2. Pengalaman 5 Tahun sebagai Material Coordinator3. Memiliki kemampuan...

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2015 di Sebuah Perusahaan Kontraktor BUMN di bidang EPC

Sebuah Perusahaan Kontraktor BUMN di bidang EPC membutuhkan tenaga Professional sebagai berikut : A. Posisi Senior Estimator Civil / Architect (SEC) dan Posisi Engineer Estimator Civil / Architect (EEC): 1. Berpengalaman bekerja di proyek pembangunan gedung dan juga proyek EPC. 2. Minimal berpengalaman 5 tahun (EEC) dan 10 tahun (SEC) untuk proyek di atas. 3. Menguasai program Excel secara Expert dapat melakukan Control Arithmetic secara cepat. 4. Dapat membuat analisa harga satuan secara detail dan competitive. 5. Mempunyai pengetahuan...

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Lowongan Kerja Pertambangan di Kalimantan : PT BerauCoal

We are one of the largest and fast growing coal mining exponential companies running our operation in Berau, East-Kalimantan since 1983. Berau Coal stands for the power to exponentially transform energy to enable the next generations to thrive a brighter future. We enable exponential transformation to add values to our people, power, system, government, shareholders,...

Lowongan migas di PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara

NEWMONT PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara A Great Place to Work PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) operates the Batu Hijau copper/ gold mine in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). PTNNT is committed to becoming a leader in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Company is inviting skilled, trained, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian workers and professionals to be a part of our team for the positions: MTS0054 – ENGINEER – FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM To develop and administer system operation...

Lowongan Migas di ENI Indonesia

Eni is a major integrated international oil and gas company based in Italy, with interests in 85 different countries, and employs approximately 82,300 people worldwide. Eni has Exploration & Production activities in Italy and other areas worldwide such as West & North Africa, US, South America, North Sea, Kazakhstan and Asia. In Indonesia, Eni participates in fourteen PSCs, including nine in Deep Water areas, with an active exploration and development program. To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability,...

Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Lowongan Kerja BPD DIY

BPD DIY merupakan Bank Pembangunan Daerah milik Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Bank BPD DIY didirikan pada tahun 1961, tanggal 15 Desember berdasarkan akta notaris Nomor 11, Notaris R.M. Soerjanto Partaningrat. Sebagai suatu perusahaan daerah, pertama kalinya Bank BPD DIY diatur melalui Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 1976. Dengan berjalannya waktu, dilakukan berbagai...

Lowongan Kerja PT PJB

PT PJB merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan dari BUMN PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara ( PLN ), awalnya PJB hanya menjalankan bisnis membangkitkan energi listrik dari enam Unit Pembangkitan (UP) yang dimiliki, yaitu : UP Gresik (2.219 MW), UP Paiton (800 MW), UP Muara Karang (908 MW), UP Muara Tawar (920 MW), UP Cirata (1.008 MW) dan UP Brantas (281 MW). Kini, PJB berkembang...

Lowongan kerja PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa

PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) adalah salah satu perusahaan BUMN milik pemerintah RI yang bergerak dalam bidang perusahaan pergudangan yang berdiri tanggal 11 April 1977 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah  No. 25 tahun 1976 di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Sebagai suatu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), BGR turut mengemban misi menunjang kebijaksanaan pemerintah dan...

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