Currently, the Company sells coal to the Indonesian domestic market and export market in meeting customer needs which mainly consists of power plants, paper mills, cement and coal trading companies that purchase coal for resale. Export sales in 2012 was recorded dominate 58% of total sales. Exports made to various customers mainly China, India, and Thailand. Most of coal sales company based on contract sales agreements of coal, with coal sales prices are negotiated and adjusted every year or shorter period of time based on coal quality and specification with reference to coal prices prevailing in the market.
The Company also operates coal trading business, where external coal purchases are carried out spot from various sources were for resale. Looking ahead, the trading business is intended also for the purpose of mixing the coal quality to get quality coal in accordance with the specific needs of customers who come from various target different market segments, both within and outside the country. Our purpose is to be the leading mining company in Indonesia by creating added value to customers & stakeholders.
•To look for, collect, and interpret external and internal data/information to find profitable coal sourcing opportunity from coal mining site that is integrated with the logistic
•To summarize and analyze the opportunity to get a business-logic conclusion
•Managing potential/existing different interest/conflicts (external & internal) and ambiguities
•Candidate must possess at least a Bachelors Degree, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Commerce, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
•At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
•Have good leadership skill
•Dynamic, creatif and have good social & people skill, which is supported by communication and interpersonal skill
•Have a business & commercial mindset (entrepreunership) and financially driven
• Menyiapkan dan menyusun laporan, notulen, dan kegiatan administrasi lainnya yang berkaitan dengan legal dan business development
• Menghadiri meeting eksternal, sidang, dan kegiatan legal lainnya bersama Legal dan Business Development Manager
• Melakukan koordinasi dengan pengacara eksternal
• Melakukan penelitian dan pengumpulan data untuk kasus yang sedang berlangsung
* Pendidikan minimal S1 Hukum
* Mengetahui konsep dasar hukum dan undang-undang
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
* Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke site"
(Kalimantan Selatan)
* Memonitoring implementasi safety, Health & Environment sesuai dengan standar perusahaan
* Membuat & mensosialisasikan SOP, Job Safety Analysis & Working Instruction yang dibutuhkan perusahaan
* Membuat perencanaan cost
* Melakukan pengawasan terhadap geotechnical contractor & consultant
* Bertanggungjawab dan melakukan analisa terhadap uji geomechanic
* Menjaga komunikasi dengan pihak eksternal dan internal
* Pendidikan minimal S1 Geological/S1 Teknik Pertambangan
* Pengalaman sebagai Geotech Engineer minimal 1 tahun
* Mempunyai dasar Safety, Helath & Environment (SHE)
* Mampu mengidentifikasi potensi geoteknik dalam shortem dan longterm
* Mampu memahami dan mengoperasikan program-program geotechnical
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
(Jakarta )
•Liase wih clients to agree projects and delivery timescales
•Collaborate with team to formulate project plans and delivery estimation; manage team members and deliverables troughout the project
•Drive project decisions related to scope, resources, timing, and budget
•Schedule and chair team meetings and meetings with clients
•Work with sponsor and stakeholders to ensure there are effective change management and communication processes in place
•Prepare a project report and documentation
•Candidate must possess at least a Bachelors Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
•At least 5 year(s) proven working experience in delivering full cycle of IT projectswith defined deliverable
•Have knowledge about Project Methodology (PMBOK) and Business Process Mapping
•Have experience in programming: .Net, Java, Java Script, Html, Action Script, Visual Basic, CSS (experience in Android, iOs will be an advantage)
•Familiar with MySQL, SQL Server, and Networking (CISCO)
•Critical thinker with strong analytical, data management, problem solving, and reporting skills
•Considerable experience in managing and administering projects of varying size and complexity successfully
•Self-directed, polished professional who is able to work in a fast paced, results driven environment.
•Fluent in English (oral & written)
•Menangani hal-hal administratif dan dokumentasi, baik dokumentasi pembayaran maupun perjanjian dengan pihak eksternal, yang terkait dengan seluruh proses marketing & trading.
•Bertanggung jawab memastikan/mengontrol seluruh proses dokumentasi berjalan dengan baik
•Melakukan koodinasi dengan pihak-pihak internal terkait dokumentasi, pembayaran, atau perjanjian trading
•Bertanggung jawab terhadap petty cash trading
•Menyiapkan laporan hasil kerja dan laporan/rekap petty cash, serta menyiapkan presentasi laporan ketika dibutuhkan
•Memiliki gelar Sarjana dari segala jurusan, dengan minimal IPK 3.00
•Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
•Detail oriented dan sistematis
•Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik
•Familiar dengan SAP akan menjadi nilai tambah
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